Interested in leadership development, aerospace education, search and rescue, flying and having fun? Do you know someone that is? The Charleston Cadet Squadron may be for you!
If this is your first time here – read on to learn more about our organization.
Civil Air Patrol – or CAP – is a Nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation and is the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. With more than 58,000 volunteer members, including 23,500 cadets ages 12- 21 in eight geographic regions with 52 wings, there are 1,700 units in all. West Virginia Wing currently has 12 units with over 575 members. CAP’s National Headquarters is at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, and the West Virginia Wing Headquarters is in Charleston, West Virginia. CAP has the world’s largest fleet (535) of single-engine, piston aircraft and controls the Nation’s most extensive communications network.

CIVIL AIR PATROL – Give Back to America.
Volunteer with CAP Today – Choose an activity in CAP that best fits your interests.
Be a mentor, leader, team member, or instructor. – Volunteer occasionally or often.
But choose CAP today.
Meetings are held at 1830 (6:30 p.m.) every Tuesday at the 130th Air National Guard Base on Coonskin Drive in Charleston, West Virginia.
CAP, WV Wing, Emergency Services, Leadership,
Search and Rescue, Missions, Safety,
Charleston Cadet Squadron News, Aerospace
Charleston Cadet Squadron
U.S. Civil Air Patrol
The Official Auxiliary of the United States Air Force
Welcome to Civil Air Patrol’s
Visit the next page to learn more about the history and missions of CAP >